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​​​Importance of Silence in Classroom

​​​Importance of Silence in Classroom
By Devarshi Pandya
" In silence and movement, you can show the reflection of people " - Marcel Marceau
In this fast-pacing age, I really wish students learn to articulate their ideas and confidence in expressing them. As an ex-primary teacher, I have seen students struggle to find their voice and even ask for help.
So, how can teachers help students come out of their shell and help them stay focused amidst so much noise and distractions? How do we introduce the importance of reflecting on your words and thoughts of those who don’t agree with you? In a teaching institute, the concept of silence is entirely alien. In fact, it is used as some sort of punishment, as the finger on your lips. So instead of a practice, it is introduced as a punishment. 
Psychologist says silence is so powerful that it can help instils self-discipline, and as a result, higher capacity for free thinking. It is the blindsided pedagogical practice that supports ideas of continual growth, possibility and primary care of students.
Silence enhances the ability to concentrate
In 21st century learning, collaboration, classroom management and interaction are central to education. Now, I am not dismissing this practice, but it’s the time that we reinforce the importance of silence and use it as a tool in the development of our students.
Silence can help our students concentrate better. Of course, collaboration and discussion churn out more ideas in class, but at when students take time to think of others opinion, comprehend it and debate it increases=student’s ability to master a particular skill

I was an English teacher. In one such class, my students were to write an essay on “My Kind of School” Needless to say, this was entirely personalised and unique for each student. So, I began by giving them the opportunity to share ideas with their peers.
In no time the classroom turned into a fish market, and students were just chatting with the opposite partner.  Few students expressed while some struggled in articulating their thoughts too.  There was an evident imbalance in the classroom, and this is when I decided to ungroup them, and it helped! 
I asked all my students to close their eyes and think of the school they would want to go to. It struck me that offering opportunities for students to sit without diversion causes them to assimilate content and recall it, and consider further questions. They can process the emotions and thoughts communicated by their partners and think about the significance of different points of view. 
Consider history class. While there are unending recorded points to ponder, if there isn’t a great opportunity to think about what’s being learnt, the students will just focus on the grade and not on a critical understanding of the topic.
If the students are asked to sit and reflect on the learnings, it might help them realise how events from the past have formed their life and network today, or how individuals felt amid a time of strife or test.
learning at an individual pace

While in class, students must stay aware of a specific pace by following an instructor, schoolmates, and educational programs, once in a while at a quicker or slower speed than their very own optimal rate.
Homework, sports cooperation, testing, and even meal break all have due dates and time limits. Thoughtful stretches of time offer students a chance to get up to speed or slow down and process at their own beat.
Education tools that give students time to comprehend the learning are encouraged.across the schools. Perosnliaded learning tools like Mindspark is helping children learn with understanding at her own pace.
Mindspark is an adaptive learning platform for imparting literacy and numeracy skills to children to provide a personalised learning path to each child based on their performance and their misconceptions. Here’s one such case study depicting students learning curve from her Mindspark sessions
I don’t trust a classroom ought to be unendingly quiet. Be that as it may, I think about silence as the sound of reasoning, and I use quiet as an instrument on my training device belt to support the substantial psychological advancement of my understudies.
As you’re pondering your classroom, think about how regularly you take into account times of quiet where understudies have an individualised chance to centre and process their very own inward musings.

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